Arduino Made Easy(er)

A series of videos to teach those with little or no experience with coding. The Playlist, Arduino Made Easy(er) is an introduction to Arduino.
Each video steps through the code of a new subject with an explanation of what and why the code was placed where it was. By the time you reaches the final video, you should have a basic understanding of how to code and maneuver yourself through an Arduino Project.
The reason for the Easy(er) is that Arduino is a simple way top teach coding. It was introduced to teach children the basics of electronics and coding all in one step.


Preamble        Read First
What Is It        What Is Arduino
Lesson 01     Beyond Blink
Lesson 02     Reading Inputs With Serial Communication
Lesson 03     PWM Analog Read & Write
Lesson 04     If For & While Statements
Lesson 05     Using Ambient Light Sensors
Lesson 06     Operating Grade Crossing Signals
Lesson 07     IR Sensor Input
Lesson 08     Welding Sketch & Building Lights
Lesson 09     IR Sensors & Relays
Lesson 10     The Basics Of Servos

A Close Look At Arduino

I recently did a poll on a Monday Live Stream asking how many viewers were uncomfortable with Arduino. Since only subscribers can comment in chat, there were 91 subscribers who took part in the poll.  Surprisingly, 40% said the were uncomfortable. A lot are hesitant about learning code, or electronics. Some are afraid they will see blue smoke or break something they cant fix.
Here is where I attempt to convert those last hold outs in the next few videos I will put on this page! I’ll call it the Warm & Fuzzy Zone!
Take a look at these videos.

What To Look For

A Close Look At Arduino

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Introduction To Arduino

If you’re not a computer programmer or an electronics expert and you want to light and automate your model railroad then Arduino is the solution for you.  Sometimes it could be intimidating if you don’t know what you’re doing so in these instructions we make a simple solution even simpler!
We’re going to show you how you can automate and light your model railroad with Arduino.  There are a lot of videos on YouTube about Arduino and about Arduino with model railroading, here we try to make it as simple as possible for you if you don’t know anything about computer programming and electronics.
That’s where these videos and instructions come in!

Where To Find Arduino Sketches