
The Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino is the least expensive kit with the most features and the best user manual I’ve seen to this day. There are eleven components all connected together on one board plus the Seeeduino Lotus which is an Arduino compatible board with Grove Ports (Pictured At Right). The best place to start to understand this amazing kit is to watch the video I produced back in August of 2021, which can be seen below.
Also included here is the code pre-installed on the Seeeduino Lotus board. This code is here for you to study and download at your convenience. I don’t expect the average user to understand the top of the code including the SetUp, but the code for each individual demonstration will help you to understand how each task works and interacts with the next. You can also copy code snippets for your own projects with this or any other Arduino product.
The User manual walks the reader through Hardware Overview, Break Out Instructions ( if you want to remove the components), and Parts List. There’s also a section for those of you that are seeing Arduino for the first time on How and where to get and install the Arduino IDE.
Then goes on to each demonstration with the example of the code, Components Involved, Hardware Connection, and Code Analysis. This helps the user to better understand the how and why each component works and also the switching between each demonstration..
Hope you have fun playing with this kit if you decide to purchase it. In the video I talk about a discount code from Seeed Studio, unfortunately this code is no longer valid. But with the low cost of this product, how can you go wrong for under $23 at the time of this writing.
Product Link

Enjoy playing with this and other products in the Arduino family!

Seeeduino Lotus

Seeeduino Lotus

Video Review

Start your journey here by watching this short video on the Grove Starter Kit. I just touch the surface of what’s available in this video, but with the included User Manual and some more insight on this page, hopefully this will get you going in the right direction.

Analog  Digital & I2C Components.

LED + Buzzer
OLED Display 0.96"
Button + Rotary Pot
Light + Sound
Temp + Humidity
Pressure + Acceleration

There are two bonus projects included in the package that I did not discuss in the video:


Music Dynamic Rhythm Map which  will make the buzzer play pleasant music and the led lights flash according to the music frequency and beat.
Intelligent Sound-Light Induction Desk Lamp which makes a small lamp controlled by Sound and Light. We need to use the LED module. Of course, Light Sensor and Sound Sensor are also indispensable. In this way, you can achieve the function of the smart desk lamp: when the sound, the lamp will light up; If the environment turns dark, the lamp will automatically turn brighter.
These two projects go a little deeper into the workings of the components on this amazing starter kit.

Code Installed On The Seeeduino Lotus

Sample Pages Of Lesson 10

Lesson 10 Page 1
Lesson Page 2
Lesson 10 Page 3
Lesson Page 4

The announcement on YouTube for the review video was done as a Short (which can be seen on the right) It has received over 8,100 views since published. Substantially more views than the actual review video which has 1280 views!

Go Figure