Out With The Old, In With The New!

Tearing down the old layout was a difficult task, physically and mentally. Spending several years building ones pride and joy and then having to destroy almost half of the underlying structure was a difficult task, both mentally & physically.
Lessens learned on the construction techniques for easy removal was found out too late. What I thought would be an easy task to separate the L-girder portion of the model railroad turned out to be a demolition of nearly all of those sections above the frame work.
Luckily there were a few sections small enough to maneuver out of the house that were of the cookie cutter style. Most of the underlying lumber from the benchwork was salvageable except for a few pieces.
The modules that I built in the living room against the wall were easily removed and all the framing was saved. The entire disassemble of the modules took less than 4 hours. Fortunately, when building the modules, they were made for easy removal and maintenance. Making the modules tillable for easy work underneath made the disassemble a breeze!

Train Room Before Disassembly

September 21 2020 Last View Of Entire Train Room

Last Look At Leakin Creek

Day 1 Of Disassembly

New Layout Begins

Its been a year now since I moved into my new house and started the train room in the garage/laundry room. I now have an around the wall modular layout approximately 11 X 14 ft. Just a little shorter than my last layout. As of this writing in late March 2022, there are two loops for continuous running, with several locations for sidings with industrial areas. I plan on a second level only 12 inches wide along the walls and a peninsula in the center.
The second level will be ascended with a 2% grade track on the outside stretching the entire circumference to reach the 9.5 inch height. What will be on the second level will be determined at a later date.
It wasn’t until Mid January of 2021 that I started priming the walls of the garage in preparation for my new layout. I did this even before I got all my parts & supplies out of storage. Little did I know at that time that I was going to fill up the garage and part of the family room with boxes, totes, lumber and sections of my old layout. (first video to right)
I had to insulate the ceiling and walls, and vent the attic through a duct to the outside. (The attic was vented into the garage originally.) Many shelves were removed along with a  kitchen style sink and old cabinets above the washer & dryer. I installed a small utility sink and installed new cabinets across the back of the laundry room.
Tragedy struck when Debbie was attempting to fill the newly installed cabinets and lost her footing, breaking her hip and left wrist in early May 2021. She had an extended stay in the Hospital and Rehab center where her wound was infected. Then back in the hospital for a second surgery to clean up the wound. August, she was finally allowed to put pressure on her left leg for the first time. Needless to say, progress came to a halt while all this was happening and Debbie was recovering.
Continued with many projects not connected to the layout such as track lighting, exhaust duct for venting the attic heat, and several attempts to find the right fan for the area. I finally settled on an LED lit ceiling fan that can be controlled remotely. There were also projects outside the garage that required a lot of my attention such as the neglected irrigation system and a few drains that had to be replaced going to the septic system. There were also many overgrown bushes and trees that had to be removed from the property in order for it to look they way we had hoped. Alll this tookk me away from speedy progress on the train room.
About mid October of 2021 I was able to devote more time to the train room while Debbie was regaining her strength and able to start doing thing on her own again. This is when I made some progress with more bench work and finally laying some track.
I started laying track on the corner module closest to the living room door and continued from there wiring in the first set of turnouts and testing them out using an Arduino Uno and servos. Right after the crossover at the beginning of the second module is where I started to elevate the outer loop in preparation of a grade to the second level which will be switched near the center of the layout near the garage door. Thank goodness for train shows and hobby shops afterwards where I was able to purchase more track and roadbed since I used up some extra trackage on the sidings for the ice & coal siding and the elevated track.
The first loop was completed right After Christmas 2021 and I was able to run trains for the Live stream on December 27th. The second loop was completed and I was running both loops on the live stream on January 10 2022.
Progress was slow since storage space was lacking in the train room, so as I needed to unpack totes, I also had to build more shelves under the modules, over the modules, or wherever I can find room to accommodate all the supplies I had packed away. It was hard trying to accomplish tasks on the modules while still having nearly half my supplies still packed away. Little by little I was able to sort through mostly all the boixes and totes throughout the garage and family room to get the needed supplies to start on landscaping and placing buildings on the layout.
Finally I was able to place most of the buildings on the corner module and add lighting to most of them. Next task was working on the streets and 3 grade crossings along with laying ballast on the track where needed. Once that was satisfactory, I was ready for landscaping. It’s amazing how everything comes to life once the buildings are in place and the scenery is shaping up. It’s been nearly two years since I did any scenicing on my model railroad. It came back to me like I had never stopped. All the tricks I’ve learned throughout the years of trial & error finally paid off in the end result.
More Updates as I progress on the layout. At the moment I am concentrating on building more laser cut wood kits that have been piling up on the shelves and from purchases at a few train shows.

First Look - Still In Truck

Getting Started

You can watch most of the progress of building the new layout in this playlist, Back To Basics – Building A Model Railroad:

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Other projects happening in the train room not related to the layout but still important.

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January 2022 Layout Progress Video

Update February 2023

September 2023

Been doing a lot on the workbench for the past 9 months, got many old kits built that have been in box’s and some from recent train shows. Still have very many more to build, but it seems like a never ending task when I see something I don’t have when I visit a train show.
This year I will not be making the trip to Maryland to visit my family and the Timonium Train show. Maybe next year. That will give me some time to build more so I can visit the Craftsman Courtyard next year. I always spend all my money there. Tallahassee was my downfall this year since they were set up where I could not pass up buying one kit from each vendor at the Craftsman Courtyard.
I’ve done many Bar Mills Kits and will be doing some more in the future when they have a new kit in HO coming out. In addition to the bar Mills kits, I have also built kits from; Blair Lines, FOS Scale, JL Innovative Designs, Mine Mount Models, Motrak Models, Mudd Creek Models, White River Structure, JV Models and a few more. I strill have many on the shelf to build, so it’s going to be a productive Fall and Winter.
Front End

April 2024

Had some health issues with my heart in January and the beginning of April which added four new stents, but doing much better now. Also had a basil Cell removed from my face in early February.
I’ve been busy on the workbench building many kits since the last update, many Bar Mills kits, and a few from other manufacturers. Since my last last hospital stay, I concentrated on the layout again, placing the American Seltzer Company building in it’s permanent position with scenery. After getting that done, I continued with more scenery and rearranged some of the track in the back of the industrial area so I could place Shipyard Brewing Company comfortably behind the tracks. This background kit is nearly four inches deep so I had some tighter curves to deal with, 15 inch radius is okay for the industrial area.
My next kit on the workbench is Lenny’s Truck Service, it’s also a Bar Mills kit. I still have about 5 small Bar Mills kits on the shelf before tackling some other kits from various manufacturers. I still need to purchase a FOS Scale background kit for the back of the industrial area on the first level.
I started removing some of the approach to the second level which runs in front of the Air Conditioner since I have to rearrange the wall perpendicular to the current position, (it’s too far to reach the breakers in the electrical panel) so I need to make some adjustments to the wall.
And then there is Debbie’s N Scale layout in the family room that I have to build. I removed the table with all the track from the Test Track layout to make room for Debbie’s space. That got held up when I was having issues with my thumb after disassembling the table, Debbie is patiently waiting for me to start the bench work.
Now, back to the HO Scale Train Room. I will be doing more scenery to finish up the Industrial siding area and beyond in between the Workbench Wednesday Live Streams. I have many building to place in position and wire some of the sidings yet.
I have an End Of Month Update Video I posted on YouTube going over some of the changes I made in the Train room. I had to rethink my approach to the second level since it blocked access to the electrical panel, so I have to move a small wall to gain access to the panel from the side. I also added another section to the upper level and painted the background a sky blue. Only one more section to complete the upper level. Also secured the tracks in the industrial area with ballast, all I have to do now is finish with the ground cover in-between the tracks to complete the scenicing.
April EOM
Video to the right>>>>
In Mid May we will be heading North to Maryland and then to Reading Pennsylvania for the YouTube Model Railroaders Meet & Greet from May 17 to 19 then onto Northlandz on the 20th then to Connecticut to visit family and maybe to Maine to visit Art & Crew at Bar Mills before returning to Maryland for my Twin Grand Daughters High School Graduation. I’m sure Debbie & I will be visiting some more railroad sites along the way on our trip.
So, look for some updates and some interesting videos when we return sometime in June. See Ya Then!

Hurst Boiler & Welding

Shipyard Brewing Company

Scenery Progress

April 2024 EOM